Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jesus Saves

Lindy has an incredible ear for music. She sings on pitch and remembers words and tempos and understands songs on a level seemingly too deep for a three year old. She is also a bit of a terrorist when it comes to what she wants to hear when we are driving somewhere in the car. Driving with her is like having a DJ on speed in the backseat. Who likes the repeat button. A lot. So lately I have decided that I am no longer going to continue to play her songs over and over just to keep her from screaming about it. I know, I’m just that kind of parent…the mean kind. I’ve taken to playing what she wants, but only if she asks politely and only once, maybe twice. And if she starts to fuss I turn her stuff off and put mine on. I listen to Christian music nearly exclusively and she knows those songs and loves them, too.

So, earlier this week I was driving her to school and she became unhappy about something and started to have a tantrum so I waited to put her music on until she quit fussing. The song I had on the cd was “Jesus Saves”…a beautiful arrangement…and Lindy usually belts it out with her hands raised and eyes to heaven. (It actually is so beautiful to see her in my rearview when she does that…) This particular day, though, she was very unhappy and I could hear her over the music in the back wailing, “Noooooo He doesn’t! Noooooo He doesn’t! He doesn’t save!!! Turn this off!!!” I laughed and laughed and told Kevin about it later and he laughed too, knowing that she really was just wanting what she wanted and was trying to get me to give it to her.

But God was not done teaching me with this yet. That whole interaction has rolled around in my heart and mind all day today. What a comparison I can draw between my interaction with my child and God’s interactions with me! When I am happy with life as God sees fit to provide it, I am singing and singing, hands raised, eyes to heaven, 'Jesus Saves!' Content, satisfied, happy…it is so easy to remember. But how often do I find myself unhappy with life as God sees fit to provide it, or more accurately, do I fail to trust Him in what He provides? During those times do I sing praising His salvation? Sometimes, yes. Other times, no. When I’ve not been content I’ve pitched my own kind of fits…ingratitude, irritability, resentment, substance abuse, self pity, futile attempts at changing things to fit what I believe I need…and in so doing I’ve said with my life, ‘Nooooo He doesn’t! He doesn’t save!!!!’ And cut myself off from the blessings He wants to give and the trust He desires I have in His providence.

 I hope and pray that as God grows me up I will choose more often than not to praise His salvation no matter what the circumstances in my life. No matter what God has playing on the radio of my life. All of His songs are to my benefit and all of His music is to His glory. I want to be part of the chorus of His praise and gratitude for the grace and love He pours out on His children, rather than be the notes of dissention and discord that cause the listeners to cringe.

I am so thankful that no matter what I think or don’t think, sing or don’t sing, feel or don’t feel, do or don’t do, indeed Jesus does save. Once for all. He is mighty to save! I am so thankful that my circumstances, (or my perception of them) don’t determine my salvation. The grace and mercy and love of the God of heaven and the sacrifice and resurrection of His precious Son determine everything. And I’m thankful that He chose me to participate in that grace and has given me the gift of passing it on.

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